No matter how healthy and protein-packed a bar is, no one will reach for it with gusto if it lacks one other key characteristic: being tasty. At Active Choice, it has always been extremely important to us to create protein bars that are not only filling and packed with healthy ingredients, but just as delicious as traditional desserts. This is particularly strong in the Taste series. The three flavors of protein bars in it are among our bestsellers. What makes them so good?
The advantages of the Taste series
When we developed the protein bars in this series, we followed one important principle: taste comes first. We wanted it to be rich, distinctive, irresistible and make the bars a favourite of everyone who tries them. That’s why we set a few main highlights:
- Unique protein chocolate coating;
- 30% protein content. That’s 3-4% less than other Active Choice series, allowing for the inclusion of more delicious ingredients – orange peel, full fat coconut, cacao mass;
- They are bigger. Each protein bar from the Taste series is 70 g – for more enjoyment and satiating effect.
The three flavours in the Taste series
For our most delicious protein bar range, we have developed three great flavour combinations to offer variety and meet the different preferences of our customers.
Double cocoa
The bestseller among our protein bars! Conquers with an incredibly rich and full-bodied cocoa flavour thanks to the combination of 3 types of cocoa, cocoa mass (rich in cocoa fat) and cocoa glaze. Active Choice Cocoa Double is a unique protein experience for all chocolate lovers. It’s no coincidence that this product is the best selling of all our bars!
Cocoa, peanuts and orange
If this combination sounds familiar to you, don’t be surprised – it’s not only super fresh, but it’s also a favourite of generations of Bulgarians thanks to the classic native sweets. In Active Choice Cocoa Orange, we add real orange oil and orange peel to make the taste even more irresistible.
Coconut and cocoa
At Active Choice Cocoa & Coconut, we use real full-fat coconut to offer you a new take on this classic blend – super noble, light and very summer-appropriate. The milky flavor coming from the proteins gives density and depth to this bar. It is reminiscent of our favorite desserts and has quickly become one of our most sought after products.
How did we achieve the best balance?
Each recipe of the Taste protein bars has been carefully considered to create the best flavour combination. Before settling on the final product, we did hundreds of samples to find the best balance. We were in no hurry – the most important thing for us was to achieve a result that both we and you, our customers, would be happy with.
We did it! The flavors of the Taste series are so good that even fans of ordinary desserts like them. Many of our friends and relatives are not protein bar consumers because they think they are not tasty. However, this preconception disappears for many of them when they try our products. If you’re still in the category of the protein-bar distrustful, give our Taste series a chance! We’ve got more great news: we’ve got lots of upgrades coming soon to our most popular series, because we know even the best can get better!