It is a December morning. Getting up was a pain, we had about 15 minutes to get ready for the day. We shoot out the front door because we have at least half an hour of traffic waiting for us. We arrive at the office, make coffee, start the work process. And after about an hour we realize that we are starving. Our stomach is churning furiously, we feel an unusual note of aggression in ourselves. Not many options here – a patty, a waffle, some tasteless fast food.

We’ve all encountered this mini drama, be it at the office, during lectures or at school. Systematically “satiating” hunger with high-carbohydrate foods can be a double-edged sword. Refined carbohydrates are extremely poor in important nutrients for the body. Yes, they are rich in calories, but their nutritional value is negligible.

Here our best ally is moderation and advance preparation. We should not neglect our body’s needs for good and nutritious food. That’s why we’ve prepared some tips for a more nutritious workplace.


Breakfast is among the most important meals. Starting the day with quality food is key for several reasons. Skipping breakfast will bring us to the brink of animal hunger. It’s hard to resist junk food, feeling on edge.

Get up 15 minutes earlier. Prepare a snack to eat before you go out, on your feet or at your desk. Smoothies are a great option, the options for flavors and ingredients are endless. Breakfast is a sure step to feeling more full during the day.

Of course, if you practice intermittent fasting, you may skip breakfast. As long as it doesn’t make you reach for more calorific or unhealthy foods when it’s time for lunch. But let’s face it, most of us don’t follow fasting regimens.


Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Make it a habit to always have a glass of water on your desk. You can even set yourself a quantity of water to drink during the day.

Avoid high-calorie, sweetened drinks. Reduce the dose of coffee, especially if you drink it sweetened. Yes, liquids are. Yes, they dehydrate you.

A glass of water before every meal is a good opportunity to prevent overeating.

Lunch break

Finally! The much awaited lunch break. A quality lunch is key to how we will feel for the rest of the day.

Prepare your lunch from home. Trust us, there is no better solution. You can cook a more hearty dinner and pack leftovers for lunch the next day. Avoid white bread and pasta. Consuming too many carbs and standing at a desk is not a good combination.

If you need to order in food or your office trusts a caterer, avoid fried food and opt for fresher options.

Choose food that is rich in good fats, protein, fiber. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are indispensable.

Let’s nibble something

Afternoons are always critical. It’s close to going home, but we’re so hungry for something to eat… We have to resist the urge to walk to the nearest snack or waffle shop. Bring something from home.

Intermediate meals are important because they help us to stock up on extra energy and nutrients, as well as to avoid overeating during the main meals. The options are many: nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, smoothies.

Feeling like something sweet? The perfect dessert exists! Active Choice Protein Bars are a great option for an in-between meal. The high protein and good fat content is a sure combination that will keep you stocked with the nutrients and energy you need. We have also relied on fiber because it helps fight bloating and stomach discomfort. All this is accompanied by an incredible taste, without added sugar.


Don’t blame yourself because you need 15 minutes more sleep and don’t have breakfast. Don’t feel bad for having some chips offered by a colleague. At Active Choice, we like to say that food should make us feel good.

However, it’s important to develop good eating habits. Even though you had a sandwich from the store today, try to prepare something fresh from home tomorrow. Don’t get discouraged, even if you only manage a few times a week.